Thursday, August 9, 2012

Alison's first email

Part of Alison's first email to us. It is not all of it because the other is personal stuff.

Hey Mom and Dad
The MTC well I have to study for 9 hours italian everyday or at least that is what I have been doing lately. I can officially pray in italian and I know how to bear my testimony and I pretty much speak it as much as possible. The first day was a little crazy and yes mom my tag does say sorella Hanson. The food well at times is not the greatest. You know I did not know I was a picky eater  until I came here. Like the other day all they had to eat was everything that I do not eat. But I improvised and had something else. My schedule, I wake up everyday at 6 because the showers are normally taken in the morning and I want to make sure I have enough time. I have study time from 7 to 7:30. Breakfast from 7:30 to 8 and then class from 8 to 11. Then we have personal study from 11 to 12:15. Lunch from 12:15 to 1, Language study from 1 to 2:10, classroom tme from 2:10 to 5:15. Then dinner from 5:15 to 6 and every other day I have gym at 6:10 and then it changes the other days to 2. I prefer 6:10 because it is cooler outside when that occurs.

But we have given five lessons in italian. And it is a little hard sometimes to concentrate when I am writing in english because my mind want it to be italian. My collega and I cannot do our prayers in english it is just weird. Now about your friend's daughter funny story, so last night I was doing one of my contacts, which means our district is doing a goal to bear our testimonies in italian once a day to a random stranger, so the elders we were bearing our testinmonies to turned out to be in her district and I just told them to tell her hi for me because I have no idea where she is, but I got that far :).

 It is kind of weird that I have to go around with another person, trust me that will take some time to get used to. And we have walked around it the temple and yes I took pictures. Everything you bought is ok, but I think I might want to send home a few things because we did not need the 4 sheets and if I have anything else I will. Oh so apparently in italy, we get to wear sandals during the summer YAY. So one of my shoes gave me blisters the other day so painful. I really so not know what to say.

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