I can not express how happy we were to speak with Alison on Skype and to know she is doing well. It was awesome to see her face!!! She looks great and happy and healthy. We are so happy for her and so relieved to know that she is doing great. I try not to worry but that is almost impossible. As a parent you worry about your kids and we are always praying for them.
A missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Milan, Italy mission
Friday, December 28, 2012
E-mail from December 26, 2012
Haha I know I just talked with you guys last night but I did not have the change to tell you about our investigators and what happened this week or the corse I took last Friday. So let me begin with the Course, the 5 hour long course. So my companion could not come in with me, so she went and taught lessons with another member so that she would not be sitting by herself. Anyway the course. The people were monotone. I felt like I was going to sleep from the begining, but I had to keep myself awake. I was in the course with a bunch of Africans. The people who producted the film spoke about the articles of the government, why they have the government they do, facism and I thought are the africans understanding. Okay I know that it sounds bad, but in truth they do not speak english very well and they do not know alot of english words, so they really would not know what was happening. Well the course ended 40 minutes earlier than it should have and everyone was leaving, so we had to get permission for the Anziani Burger (one of the senior missionaries) to pick me up. So I had to wait in the dark by myself for like 10 minutes. It was a little strange to be by myself, since I am always with someone. But then he picked me up and we went to the lesson that my companion was at with his wife Grazie (I was at their apartment yesterday for christmas). Oh we had brown sugar roasted ham, yams, pastries, apple pie, potatoes, veges, fruit, this italian dessert thing with bread and other stuff. It was like a italian American Christmas dinner. But good. So we have a few progressing investigators. But I do not have time to explain them I will write you it. I love you all ciao.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
email from December 18, 2012
Hey Family,
So I am writing on a different day because since tomorrow is the Christmas conference we do not have pday on the same day this week. But next week we will have it on Wednesday. So this week has been a bite crazy. Things have been falling through like crazy. We had a lesson with a lady named Vania who came to church last sunday, last saturday and we were a little nervous to teach her because her scada says a few things about her and the past missionaries thought that she has a devil. But she really wanted us to come over and teach her so we did. But the scada was wrong. She is a very kind person and she pretty much gives everything she has for the poor in this country and she was very sweet. She just does not want to change her religion. We taught Elizabetta again and I just love her, she is reading and commited herself to come to church in a week and a half. YEAH!! I was happy, we just had to listen to her and understand her point of view in order to be able to help her. We finally got to see Praise last saturday, but the day before we were not sure if we were going to see her. You see on friday her parents got into a car accident in Zevio, because it was snowing like crazy. That was such a cold day. My boots got soaked and the water started to leak through the boots and soaked my soaks. Haha Sorella oakes and I both thought that we might be getting frpst bite, but we did not. But anyway we were trying to get a hold of them on saturday to make sure this time that we get to see them and they never responded. So we just hoped that when we get out there that they would be there. I think I was saying like fifty mini prayers as we were taking the bus over to Zevio. And they were there when we got there and we taught Praise with her mother Charity. We taught her the Gospels and with her mom s help she understood it. Gloris and Peter we are not able to see. They are just so busy and do not have time to see us. It is said because they were just so amazing when we saw them.
Well I want to share a experience that Sorella Oakes and I had last night with you. We were doing casa on this street and we finished the casa. And Sorella Oakes was like I just want to continue doing casa and casa because after my mission I know that I am going to miss it. So we continue walking down this street. And as we turn to go down on this street, I was just getting this awful feeling. And I knew that we should not go down this street. But Sorella Oakes continued walking and in my head I knew I could not leave her by herself on this road so I walked with. We past by this warehouse and I knew with every part of me we should not be anywhere near here. But I felt that I should not yell, because it was not a good area. Sorella oakes whispers to me lets get out of here now. And I was very glad that she did because I was about to tell her the same thing. So I just start sprinting. And we both just sprint with each other to our bikes and we get our bikes and ride our bikes as fast as we can away. That I tell Sorella oakes that I know I do not want to mention any movies but and then I tell her what movie it reminded me of. And she says that she felt that it was the exact same thing. I do not want to tell you what it was because it freaks me out even thinking about it. But I am just glad that the I am living my life worthy enough to have the promptings of the holy spirit.
Gosh, I am glad that no one was home but geez!! I think that your guys neighborhood needs to get a fence!! I am sorry mom, but at least you guys are save. I really do not like the people in this world sometimes and to think that this world is only going to get worse.
Fredrico sent us a text saying that our church did not answer all of his questions so he did not want to continue to learn. I actually have no idea what midnight mass will be like. I will tell you next wednesday, since it is tuesday christmas and then I will know. I am glad that she was happy to recieve my letter. How is she doing? Last time she told me she was having chemotheropy. I am proud of Conner for winning the spelling be. He is such a bright boy.
In our ward there are 200 people, but only 65 or 80 come. Italians mom, they are strange. haha, sometimes it is funny because the members at least some like to come in jeans and in a regular shirt. But they are friendly. Well I will tell you more about them in the letter. Oh sorry I forgot to get a letter out, but I found a amazing place to print of pictures and you will have a few of the city mom. So I thought you would like that. Love you and all and I do worry even when you tell me not to.
Oh I forgot to tell you that we will probably be skyping at 6 o clock my time. My companion just told me that and she said that she does not know if we will be allowed to skype. It will just be a call then, but be prepared for both. The mission president has to tell us if we can tomorrow so we will see.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
E-mail from December 12, 2012
Dear Family,
Haha I can answer all your questions. Looks like lego land was fun. I like the lego christmas tree. I hope Parker wins, what would he get if he wins? Oh I have no idea what that is that he built, I have never heard of it.
Gloria and her husband we were no able to see this Saturday they were in Milano. But they are still reading in the book of mormon. We got a few new investigator this week. We got a 19 year Italian (Yes finally a real italian). His name is fredrico and we taught him the the entire restoration on saturday with a member. And he completely understood it. We can only see him Saturdays in the morning because he is studying at the University. So he does not have time except saturday, but we will see him this saturday and he said that he is going to go to church on Sunday. We repicked up this woman we dropped 2 months ago because she called us and asked us to teach her. And we took a member from Verona 2 with us Joyce (she is awesome) and she was completely different (Elizabetta the investigator) from the last time we saw her. She had a real interest to learn and a desire to read. She was reading by herself and showed us the chapter, even though she did not understand it. We are now teaching the son of a new convert Daniella. We taught him the first lesson yesterday. Oh I need to tell you about this amazing miracle. Sorella oakes and I have been feeling that we need to give Gica a date. And one month ago she was angry at us for even bringing it up. So we fasted that she would have a open heart when we asked her on sunday. At the end of the day we were waiting at the Bus stop for the bus and the golleito family (the couple that takes us to the store, who thinks we are her children) came by in their car. The pull over and ask us where we are going we say to Borgo Roma area. They say hope in and they tell each other that we are going over to Gica's house. We did not tell which was funny. Anyway we find out in the car that Gica and Emma Golleito are really close, that she thinks of her as family, sort of like a mother figure. And we were like that was news to us. They decide to come along with us to the lesson. We meet Claudio at Gica's house (another new convert). Gica's was so surprised to see Sorella Golleito, but in the good way. The lesson went amazing we felt the spirit and when we asked her to be baptized she was not angry. She said she could only not accept a date yet. But after the lesson when sorella Golleito told her something, Gica said she feels that she is going to get baptized really soon. So at least now she is open to it! Now we are not teaching Esther anymore, she sort of fell of the planet. But she will be a baptism for someone in the future, who does the Area book. We had a interesting event happen to us on our way to Zevio this Saturday. We went to Porta Nuova and waited for the Bus, it never came. So we took the train to Caldiero, the Kerekes family drove us to Zevio (this was a miracle, because we had no idea how we were going to get there if the bus did not come). When we get to Zevio we are 40 minutes early. So we did a little bit of phone calls, Finding work. When we call the family that we were supposed to have a lesson with they tell us that they are not home and are 3 hours away. They tell us that we did not call them today to conferm. But we confermed it the other day and come every Saturday!! Anyway we got to the bus stop and have 40 more minutes until the bus comes. So we do casa a casa. Then we wait for the bus it never comes. Then we realize that Saturday was a holiday and the buses do not pass. You see Italian holidays are not celebrated so no one knows about them. We have to call a member to come get us and drive us home. We were just glad we made it home.
Well it snowed one day and now it is warmer and sunny. Verona does not snow really and winters are not bad here. It is nice. I bought nylons last Pday and they are amazing! I think I am going to be fine with everything that I have right now. There is no malls in Verona, it is like a bunch of little botiques.
The pizza, I just think of it as something completely different than american pizza. People here use so much Olive Oil. I have never in my life seen human beings that could have so much. At least it is the healthy oil.
For Christmas we do not have a family we are eating with yet. But I bet someone will. People in our ward are always last minute with eating lunches. They will come up to you the day of and ask. We are going to midnight mass (the Catholic thing) and next week we have the Christmas meeting for our Zone with the president. I have seen the president twice each transfer. I hope I will be calling you in the afternoon my time, which will be in the morning maybe 9 or 10 your time. It will be a skype. I need you guys to set one up for me because I cannot remember mine. Thankyou!! Well I have to go if I thin kof anything else I will write you it. Oh tonight we go for Bergamo for a blitz. It should be fun. We come back tomorrow night. Okay well I love you all!!
Haha I can answer all your questions. Looks like lego land was fun. I like the lego christmas tree. I hope Parker wins, what would he get if he wins? Oh I have no idea what that is that he built, I have never heard of it.
Gloria and her husband we were no able to see this Saturday they were in Milano. But they are still reading in the book of mormon. We got a few new investigator this week. We got a 19 year Italian (Yes finally a real italian). His name is fredrico and we taught him the the entire restoration on saturday with a member. And he completely understood it. We can only see him Saturdays in the morning because he is studying at the University. So he does not have time except saturday, but we will see him this saturday and he said that he is going to go to church on Sunday. We repicked up this woman we dropped 2 months ago because she called us and asked us to teach her. And we took a member from Verona 2 with us Joyce (she is awesome) and she was completely different (Elizabetta the investigator) from the last time we saw her. She had a real interest to learn and a desire to read. She was reading by herself and showed us the chapter, even though she did not understand it. We are now teaching the son of a new convert Daniella. We taught him the first lesson yesterday. Oh I need to tell you about this amazing miracle. Sorella oakes and I have been feeling that we need to give Gica a date. And one month ago she was angry at us for even bringing it up. So we fasted that she would have a open heart when we asked her on sunday. At the end of the day we were waiting at the Bus stop for the bus and the golleito family (the couple that takes us to the store, who thinks we are her children) came by in their car. The pull over and ask us where we are going we say to Borgo Roma area. They say hope in and they tell each other that we are going over to Gica's house. We did not tell which was funny. Anyway we find out in the car that Gica and Emma Golleito are really close, that she thinks of her as family, sort of like a mother figure. And we were like that was news to us. They decide to come along with us to the lesson. We meet Claudio at Gica's house (another new convert). Gica's was so surprised to see Sorella Golleito, but in the good way. The lesson went amazing we felt the spirit and when we asked her to be baptized she was not angry. She said she could only not accept a date yet. But after the lesson when sorella Golleito told her something, Gica said she feels that she is going to get baptized really soon. So at least now she is open to it! Now we are not teaching Esther anymore, she sort of fell of the planet. But she will be a baptism for someone in the future, who does the Area book. We had a interesting event happen to us on our way to Zevio this Saturday. We went to Porta Nuova and waited for the Bus, it never came. So we took the train to Caldiero, the Kerekes family drove us to Zevio (this was a miracle, because we had no idea how we were going to get there if the bus did not come). When we get to Zevio we are 40 minutes early. So we did a little bit of phone calls, Finding work. When we call the family that we were supposed to have a lesson with they tell us that they are not home and are 3 hours away. They tell us that we did not call them today to conferm. But we confermed it the other day and come every Saturday!! Anyway we got to the bus stop and have 40 more minutes until the bus comes. So we do casa a casa. Then we wait for the bus it never comes. Then we realize that Saturday was a holiday and the buses do not pass. You see Italian holidays are not celebrated so no one knows about them. We have to call a member to come get us and drive us home. We were just glad we made it home.
Well it snowed one day and now it is warmer and sunny. Verona does not snow really and winters are not bad here. It is nice. I bought nylons last Pday and they are amazing! I think I am going to be fine with everything that I have right now. There is no malls in Verona, it is like a bunch of little botiques.
The pizza, I just think of it as something completely different than american pizza. People here use so much Olive Oil. I have never in my life seen human beings that could have so much. At least it is the healthy oil.
For Christmas we do not have a family we are eating with yet. But I bet someone will. People in our ward are always last minute with eating lunches. They will come up to you the day of and ask. We are going to midnight mass (the Catholic thing) and next week we have the Christmas meeting for our Zone with the president. I have seen the president twice each transfer. I hope I will be calling you in the afternoon my time, which will be in the morning maybe 9 or 10 your time. It will be a skype. I need you guys to set one up for me because I cannot remember mine. Thankyou!! Well I have to go if I thin kof anything else I will write you it. Oh tonight we go for Bergamo for a blitz. It should be fun. We come back tomorrow night. Okay well I love you all!!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
E-mail from December 5, 2012
Hey Family,
I actually have no idea what this class is. It is just based on information from the government. I really hope it does not take me 6 hours. On the 21 of Novemeber our ward is having a ward christmas party so I hope that I will be able to go, but if the class goes to long I cannot. This are going alright. I think as the weather changes and since it is starting to get cold here it is harder to continue. But do not worry I do, I mean why is it when it gets cold it spirits can be a little down. I just try and go out. I think it is harder around the holidays. But I think I will be okay. Haha I love the picture of Conner infront of the Christmas tree he is so funny. I love the kid. I like how you guys are wearing shorts, kind of makes me a little jealous that it is that hot, there. The other day when we were outside, we were just so excited to get inside and have our toes defraust, haha. Well at least we know he will not be a fraid of roller coasters. I have not recieved his letter yet, but the office probably has. You see I normally do not get mail until after like 3 weeks or so. But I cannot wait to see it!! I bet he worked hard on it! Tell him I love him and Parker. Well I sent off a letter Monday, that has my letter from last week and the week before. Sorry I am so bad at sending them off.
I am excited to see what is in the box. Haha I bet it was a hassel I am sorrry. Mom I will love what ever you get me. Parker is just a social person what can you except. Haha. Wow that is amazing that they donated $1000 dollars worth. I bet that made it easier for you guys to do this project. It is always a blessing when other people help out and you guys are doing a good thing.
Do night worry I will try and take as many as I am can. Oh we are going to this dome thing on the top of the hill today, I bet it will have a great view. Trust I have, the bike is pink. And it is funny when it creeks.
Parker needs to tell me of his experiences he has with the missionaries and what he thinks of it. I am glad that he helps. It is sometimes hard to cordinate with members to get them to lessons and I know that it is a large help when there is a member present. Because the testimony of a member means a lot to a investigator and truly helps them to progress.
I am able to call you guys on Christmas day. So it is still a little while, but I am so excited. That is amazing that there are a lot more. They said that we will start to see the effects in February. So I cannot wait, they call it the hastening of the work. And I get to be a part of it.
Remember me talking about Gloria last week, well she is just amazing. We only get to see her once a week, but it is so worth it. We taught he husband with her last saturday and we watched the Joseph smith film. We watched it i tagalic, because they were able to understand it better. But after the film she told us that she knows the film is true. And then excempted a baptism date!! I love this woman. Each time we go to her house she has pizza for us, so I think that I should just not eat lunch until I get to her house on saturday. But last week was a really hard week for us. All our lessons fell through so it made this lesson that much better. We had a first lesson with this African 18 year old on monday. And in the middle of reading the book of mormon he just asked us if he could have this book. And said that he will read the entire book. The funny thing was we met him a month ago and were not able to see him and then he called us asking to meet with us because he wanted to know about the church. We meet the amazing man named Fernando from shrilanka, we gave him to the anziani because his wife worked at night but he has good potential for them. Well if I think of anything else I will put it in the letter. I love you all alot!!
I actually have no idea what this class is. It is just based on information from the government. I really hope it does not take me 6 hours. On the 21 of Novemeber our ward is having a ward christmas party so I hope that I will be able to go, but if the class goes to long I cannot. This are going alright. I think as the weather changes and since it is starting to get cold here it is harder to continue. But do not worry I do, I mean why is it when it gets cold it spirits can be a little down. I just try and go out. I think it is harder around the holidays. But I think I will be okay. Haha I love the picture of Conner infront of the Christmas tree he is so funny. I love the kid. I like how you guys are wearing shorts, kind of makes me a little jealous that it is that hot, there. The other day when we were outside, we were just so excited to get inside and have our toes defraust, haha. Well at least we know he will not be a fraid of roller coasters. I have not recieved his letter yet, but the office probably has. You see I normally do not get mail until after like 3 weeks or so. But I cannot wait to see it!! I bet he worked hard on it! Tell him I love him and Parker. Well I sent off a letter Monday, that has my letter from last week and the week before. Sorry I am so bad at sending them off.
I am excited to see what is in the box. Haha I bet it was a hassel I am sorrry. Mom I will love what ever you get me. Parker is just a social person what can you except. Haha. Wow that is amazing that they donated $1000 dollars worth. I bet that made it easier for you guys to do this project. It is always a blessing when other people help out and you guys are doing a good thing.
Do night worry I will try and take as many as I am can. Oh we are going to this dome thing on the top of the hill today, I bet it will have a great view. Trust I have, the bike is pink. And it is funny when it creeks.
Parker needs to tell me of his experiences he has with the missionaries and what he thinks of it. I am glad that he helps. It is sometimes hard to cordinate with members to get them to lessons and I know that it is a large help when there is a member present. Because the testimony of a member means a lot to a investigator and truly helps them to progress.
I am able to call you guys on Christmas day. So it is still a little while, but I am so excited. That is amazing that there are a lot more. They said that we will start to see the effects in February. So I cannot wait, they call it the hastening of the work. And I get to be a part of it.
Remember me talking about Gloria last week, well she is just amazing. We only get to see her once a week, but it is so worth it. We taught he husband with her last saturday and we watched the Joseph smith film. We watched it i tagalic, because they were able to understand it better. But after the film she told us that she knows the film is true. And then excempted a baptism date!! I love this woman. Each time we go to her house she has pizza for us, so I think that I should just not eat lunch until I get to her house on saturday. But last week was a really hard week for us. All our lessons fell through so it made this lesson that much better. We had a first lesson with this African 18 year old on monday. And in the middle of reading the book of mormon he just asked us if he could have this book. And said that he will read the entire book. The funny thing was we met him a month ago and were not able to see him and then he called us asking to meet with us because he wanted to know about the church. We meet the amazing man named Fernando from shrilanka, we gave him to the anziani because his wife worked at night but he has good potential for them. Well if I think of anything else I will put it in the letter. I love you all alot!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Alison's letter from Nov. 28, 2012
What Alison means in the first sentence is that she asked me to send her toothpaste because the toothpaste in Italy is not that good. I told her I would and that is what she meant by "I thought you would".
Here is her letter
Haha I thought that you would. Right now outside it is pouring cats and dogs outside, haha I think it is funny how outside our apartment there is like a puddle that has become a lake.
Well I am glad that he likes it. I hope that he becomes amazing at it! Okay thank you! I know that was probably a really weird request, but that will be wonderful. I have a letter that I forgot to send off last week. So you will probably get that with the other one I will be sending off. The letter has details of the Genova trip. We have to make another trip tomorrow to Genova again. You see last week we only were setting up her appointment and this week we are picking up the premesso. I think I only need to get it renewed once. And I have to go to this like 6 hour class for mine because they have started doing that about the Italian rules and if I do not go I will not get my premesso.
Yeah we got 11 investigators but they not wanted to continue to learn. Sad! Oh we got this amazing Filopean woman on Saturday. Her name is Gloria and during the lessons she told us that she knows that we are instruments of God and that she feels like she is remembering things from the past, when we were talking to her about the book of mormon. She said that she feels that this is in her heart right and the only reason that she would invite us over is because she is interested. She said she knows our time is precious and she does not want to take up our time unless she is interested. She felt the Holy spirit she said!! Yeah! And she wants us to teach her husband with her this Saturday!! I am so excited to teach her and watch her grow!!
Our apartment is a little big I guess, for two people it is nice. Most Italian apartments are not large. About my bike, I did not buy it. You see the other sisters used the bikes we have now they are just in the apartments when we get there. Oh my bike is ancient. But it makes me laugh when ever I am on it.
Do not worry I eat pretty heathly, my companion loves to eat heathly so it is all taken care of. But yeah I get tired because we are just going from place to place, constantly on the go. It is not that big of a deal. And I drink plenty of water.
For the english class it depends on the week. Sometimes we have alot others we have four, but for our class we normally have eight people. You see it is required that we do a service each week and this is our service.
Well on Sunday our church started at 3:30 and ended at 6:30. It was kind of a weird time. Any way during relief society, a lady stood up and told the sisters that we need to provide the missionaries with our cooking skills. It was just funny, because we eat with the members but I guess they want more of them to feed us. Then after on of the ladies came up to us and asked us to come and eat at their house on friday with he inactive husband and family. So haha I just found it funny. Anyway I cannot think of anything else to say well I hope that you all enjoy your week and I hope that my letters will eventually get there.
Here is her letter
Haha I thought that you would. Right now outside it is pouring cats and dogs outside, haha I think it is funny how outside our apartment there is like a puddle that has become a lake.
Well I am glad that he likes it. I hope that he becomes amazing at it! Okay thank you! I know that was probably a really weird request, but that will be wonderful. I have a letter that I forgot to send off last week. So you will probably get that with the other one I will be sending off. The letter has details of the Genova trip. We have to make another trip tomorrow to Genova again. You see last week we only were setting up her appointment and this week we are picking up the premesso. I think I only need to get it renewed once. And I have to go to this like 6 hour class for mine because they have started doing that about the Italian rules and if I do not go I will not get my premesso.
Yeah we got 11 investigators but they not wanted to continue to learn. Sad! Oh we got this amazing Filopean woman on Saturday. Her name is Gloria and during the lessons she told us that she knows that we are instruments of God and that she feels like she is remembering things from the past, when we were talking to her about the book of mormon. She said that she feels that this is in her heart right and the only reason that she would invite us over is because she is interested. She said she knows our time is precious and she does not want to take up our time unless she is interested. She felt the Holy spirit she said!! Yeah! And she wants us to teach her husband with her this Saturday!! I am so excited to teach her and watch her grow!!
Our apartment is a little big I guess, for two people it is nice. Most Italian apartments are not large. About my bike, I did not buy it. You see the other sisters used the bikes we have now they are just in the apartments when we get there. Oh my bike is ancient. But it makes me laugh when ever I am on it.
Do not worry I eat pretty heathly, my companion loves to eat heathly so it is all taken care of. But yeah I get tired because we are just going from place to place, constantly on the go. It is not that big of a deal. And I drink plenty of water.
For the english class it depends on the week. Sometimes we have alot others we have four, but for our class we normally have eight people. You see it is required that we do a service each week and this is our service.
Well on Sunday our church started at 3:30 and ended at 6:30. It was kind of a weird time. Any way during relief society, a lady stood up and told the sisters that we need to provide the missionaries with our cooking skills. It was just funny, because we eat with the members but I guess they want more of them to feed us. Then after on of the ladies came up to us and asked us to come and eat at their house on friday with he inactive husband and family. So haha I just found it funny. Anyway I cannot think of anything else to say well I hope that you all enjoy your week and I hope that my letters will eventually get there.
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